If you have been caring for a loved one, you might be wondering if it is time to seek help through hospice. As long as you know your relative well or can communicate with him or her, there are some telltale signs that he or she may be ready for a different type of care. Get to know some of these signs before you make a decision.
If your loved one has recently started to refuse treatment or testing, it may be time to move on to hospice. Of course, if he or she can still communicate clearly and has let you know it is time to let go and let nature take its course, you should be respectful of these wishes. He or she now needs someone who can increase comfort and care while decreasing invasive medical treatments. If you think your loved one would appreciate this kind of help, you should find out if he or she is eligible for it.
In addition, there are some physical signs that may tell you that your relative is ready to rely on hospice. These symptoms can be especially helpful when he or she cannot communicate and you are not sure what their wishes might be. Some common signs are nausea, trouble breathing, and general discomfort or pain. Also, if your family member has increasingly frequent hospital stays or never seems to recover from each visit to the hospital, you should look into other options. Of course, if your relative is withdrawn, depressed, or not as alert as he or she once was, it may be time to have professionals step in when it comes to care.
If you have been caring for your relative for a while now and can no longer continue this responsibility, you should think about hospice as an alternative. This is especially the case if your family member has continued to go downhill over the months or years. It can be physically and emotionally hard to care for someone who cannot eat, dress, bathe, or perform other functions alone. If your circumstances have changed and you can no longer be responsible for all these tasks, this is a good sign that hospice may be helpful.
You can always talk to other family members and even counselors to determine what the right course of action might be. They can let you know if they believe your loved one would be happier or more comfortable with another caregiver who could at least take over some of your responsibilities. In many cases, this decision is the right one, so you should at least give it some thought.
Is your loved one showing signs that they might need hospice? Holland, MI, natives can turn to Wings of Hope Hospice for assistance. Learn more at: http://www.wingsofhopehospice.com.
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