The word identity is a very powerful word in the world today. Everything is based on identity. We are asked constantly for our identification everywhere we go. People want to know who you are, where you are from, where you have been, where you are going, and what you will be doing when you get there.
There is a sense of safety and trust when people know these things about you. Identity provides a clear path from your ancestry, to where you are now, to how you can be found in the future.
Interestingly, a person that has been adopted does not always have the same clear path, nor do they have the keys to their identity; well not the original keys anyway. Those that have been adopted often have a created story that others put together, create on their behalf. Those adopted persons may not even be aware they are living and acting out a preconceived story each and every day. More and more I hear about older individuals just finding out that they were adopted as a baby or very young child. There are adopted persons out there that will leave this earth never knowing they were adopted.
Some adopted persons struggle with their identity, for example; which family members if any do I look like, what medical issues should I be aware of, and why do I have these feelings that I can't seem to connect with?
Although I have found the answer to many of these questions, there are many more that remain unanswered.
Adopted persons that have never been told they were adopted are living a fabricated identity. Some adopted persons that know they were adopted have come to peace with and accepted their fictional story. Others continue the search for their missing pieces.
Wherever you find yourself in the world of identity, you are not alone. Imagine living your life unaware that you have a story before your story? Confusing right? It's like the prologue is missing from the book. There are details that will make a difference throughout the life of the main character but you are not aware they exist. Now, picture yourself as the main character. There is always something missing, a feeling, an emotion, or a piece from the puzzle is lost and the substitute piece that was created fits in an awkward kind of way.
The thoughts, feelings and emotions are not there because of anyone in your life, there is no blame, these emotions are simply Within You. You are simply seeking to understand what you can't put your finger on.
Every person receives messages. We may call it intuition, a gut feeling, or a hunch, call it what you will, each is an internal message. Some messages speak loudly and some in a whisper but too often these messages are easily ignored. Then something in our life happens and we label it a coincidence. You know that feeling you had but you didn't acknowledge it or give it life and then you say, "I was thinking that", or "I really did know that", or however you would state it.
Intuition is a part of your identity, what was given to you through birth, when you were created. People connect to their identities, their messages, through many different ways.
I have heard adopted people say, because they are not allowed to obtain their birth information that they have no identity. No one can steal from you your internal identity. Instead of allowing others to define your identity, connect to your core, to what you have and be proud of it, no matter how much or how little the information you have may appear to others.
Each and every message is for you and is created within you. Believe in your identity ~ believe in you! If seeking information regarding your ancestry is important, then do it, move to action. If you have found peace with what you presently know, then continue to move forward. If you are undecided on the process, take some time to discover what it is that you truly desire. When each adopted person connects to their core, their values, then there is a path to healing the identity crisis amongst adopted persons.
Adopted persons may be afraid of the unknown, as much as they are afraid of the known. Either way, it is time to find YOUR truth!
Kathy Vervan Bugglin, CPC, ELI-MP is a certified life coach best known as The Adoptee Coach.
Kathy assists adoptees and their families that struggle with trust, guilt, abandonment and more.
Is it time for you to unleash your confidence, flourish through fears, and enjoy relationships?
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Also, catch her in Amazon Bestseller: Ready, Aim, Soar
Kathy assists adoptees and their families that struggle with trust, guilt, abandonment and more.
Is it time for you to unleash your confidence, flourish through fears, and enjoy relationships?
View Kathy's free offer at
Also, catch her in Amazon Bestseller: Ready, Aim, Soar
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